life transformation from the inside out


Create lasting change in all of your relationships - with yourself, your body, your finances, your family, with the universe.


Relationships are the heartbeat of wealth.  

Are you fulfilled in your relationships?

Drop in with yourself about where you stand in relating to your health, wealth and the people in your world.

Get super clear about the type of support you desire to receive; the wealth you're called to create; the type of relationships you desire to thrive in - and set yourself up to win.

now is the time

Transform Your Relationships


You're ready for a renewal, a refresh, a solid release


You desire to magnify and amplify a conscious partnership


You know it's time to clear something that's holding you back from receiving the love you want


You're seeking guidance + an effective roadmap to create lasting change within yourself and in all of your relationships


You want to be the best partner for your current or future relationship

Make Yourself Priority


Harness the power of spiritual + emotional intelligence for relationship success


Become aware of programming/limitations of the mind that block you from giving and receiving love in your relationships


Learn the 4 Levels of Hurt


Discover the Art of Listening 


Connect deeply with your Self + a community of fellow leaders willing and ready to do the work from the inside out

Merriliz Monzon


YIN CITY® Founder

A certified mindfulness trainer and Advanced Oneness Trainer from south India, Merriliz fuses science and yogic technology to help individuals heal + transform relationships. 

Known for her self-actualization courses and high-level programs, Merriliz has helped thousands of people to destress, strengthen the body and debunk self-sabotaging beliefs for a purpose-driven life.

Merriliz is a keynote speaker and producer of Las Vegas’s first wellness + music festival. She facilitates leadership trainings, corporate wellness programs and growth retreats for the journey of awakening.


i am ready for a transformation

What I seek, seeks me also.


Merriliz's Relationship Process changed my life. Her workshops resonate on a level that's incredibly relatable and so dialed in to the divine. My wealth and relationship have completely transformed since taking her class.


I never experienced anything like what Merriliz is offering. I released something that was holding me back from the things that I really wanted and really deserved. Her training on relationships hit me hard.


This program was amazing and just what I needed to reset and shift.  Merriliz allowed for a safe space to show up authentically and go deep.  I healed patterns I didn't even know I needed to.

$  444

4-pART DEEP-DIve of intentional implementation

part 1: foundations of mind + family

part 2: partnership patterns

Part 3: parent process

Part 4: connection with self + ancestors


You will have the freedom to integrate as you fulfill each training at your own pace.